Community Action:
We Need Your Help!
Community Action:
We Need Your Help!
We Need Your Help!
We Need Your Help!
Please join our efforts and support this cause!
Together, we can work to ensure kava’s rightful place as part of New York’s diverse cultural fabric.
Kava is a traditional drink made from the root of the Piper methysticum plant, native to the Pacific Islands. It has been consumed for centuries by Pacific Island cultures, particularly in places like Fiji, Hawaii, Vanuatu, and Tonga. The beverage’s calming and relaxing effects were greatly valued, and kava is consumed in both social and ceremonial settings.
Recent changes in New York State regulations have not made kava illegal, but have prohibited the serving of traditionally prepared kava, a revered beverage with deep cultural and spiritual roots, in any NYS licensed food service establishment. Meanwhile the retail sale of kava as a dietary supplement remains unrestricted.
We are advocating for the recognition of traditionally prepared kava as a safe and celebrated beverage in New York State. Kava has been used for centuries in cultural and ceremonial traditions, and states such as Hawaii have successfully designated it as a Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) food item.
Let your voice be heard!
Click on one of the sample letters below:
Sheri Ford, Director
Bureau of Community Environmental Health and Food Protection
Empire State Plaza, Corning Tower
Albany, NY 12237
Anna Kelles, NY Assembly Member
130 East State Street
Ithaca, NY 14850
Lea Webb, NY State Senator
44 Hawley Street,
1607 State Office Bldg.,
Binghamton, NY 13901
Phone: 607-773-8771
Josh Riley
19th District Congressional Representative
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202-224-3121
Chuck Schumer
US Senator for New York
15 Henry Street, Room. 100 A-F
Binghamton, NY 13901
Phone: (607) 772-6792
Kirsten Gillibrand
US Senator for New York
Leo W. O’Brien Federal Office Bldg
11A Clinton Ave, Rm 821
Albany, NY 12207
Tel. (518) 431-0120
Sacred Root Kava Lounge & Tea Bar has been more than a lounge and tea bar—it is a unique experience.
It has been a place for connection and creativity, celebrating the spirit of art and music in a non-alcoholic environment. Known for its underground location, relaxing traditional kava beverages, live music, and event offerings, this hidden gem has served as Ithaca’s alternative night-life venue since 2014. Sacred Root is a vibe! A space where people gather to relax, share ideas, and socialize in an eclectic non-alcoholic atmosphere.
It remains steadfast in its commitment to reintroducing traditionally prepared kava as soon as regulatory pathways allow. The café is actively engaging with state department of health and federal agencies to align with FDA and Codex standards, ensuring compliance while advocating for cultural equity and small business sustainability.
Sacred Root Kava Lounge & Tea Bar released a statement about their response to the new regulation, saying:
“Our mission has always been to create a space where people feel connected, inspired, and grounded. The recent regulatory changes have certainly challenged us, but they’ve also reinforced the importance of what we do and reminded us of our resilience. We’re not just a kava bar—we’re an underground tea sanctuary for creativity, art, music and friendship. We’re here to contribute to our community, and right now we need to evolve. We invite Ithaca to grow with us. We are a town who honors our small local businesses. We survived the pandemic, and we will overcome this challenge as well. We hope that our Ithaca community recognizes the hard work that we have put into our beautiful lounge for over a decade, and that they will continue to come out to show their support by visiting us and experiencing us anew. Because that’s what we do as neighbors, we support one another as best we can.
We choose to see this moment as an opportunity to reimagine and to grow. Inspired by the traditions that define us, we are diversifying our menu, changing our name, and deepening our commitment to being a place that honors genuine connection, well-being, art, music, family and community.”
We look forward to greeting you at The Nocturnal Café!